



     张冰雪,女, 汉族, 副教授, 硕导,归属学科专业:计算机科学与技术。








2022.09—2023.09新加坡国立大学,Beng Chin Ooi院士团队,访问学者




[1] 2021.01,主持国家自然科学基金项目,自适应学习中学习能力模型构建、识别方法与适应机制的研究(项目编号62007024

[2] 2020.07,主持上海市科技创新行动计划,多维数据感知的人工智能自适应学习平台(项目编号202H1059400

[3] 2018.05,主持中国教育装备研究院课题,基于人工智能技术的教学质量分析及教育决策支持的研究及应用(CEFR18009R4

[4] 2017.05,主持上海市科学技术委员会扬帆计划,基于数据挖掘的情境感知及自适应学习技术的研究(17YF1428400

[5] 2021.11,主持华东医院横向课题,精准定位放疗辅助系统研发(3A-21-302-108


[1] Zhang, B., Chen G., Ooi, B. C., et al, Managing Metaverse Data Tsunami: Actionable Insights[Journal of SCI]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2024.

[2] Zhang, B., Lu, G., Qiu, P., et al. Advancing Federated Learning through Verifiable Computations and Homomorphic Encryption[Journal of SCI]. Entropy, 2023, 25(11): 1550.

[3] Ooi, B. C., Chen, G.,…,Zhang, B., et al. The Metaverse Data Deluge: What Can We Do About It? [Top Conference, CCF Class-A]. 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), IEEE, 2023: 3675-3687.

[4] Zhang B, Shi Y, Hou L, et al. TSMG: A Deep Learning Framework for Recognizing Human Learning Style Using EEG Signals[Journal of SCI]. Brain Sciences, 2021, 11(11): 1397.

[5] Zhang B, Shi Y, Li Y, et al. An Enhanced Elo-based Student Model for Polychotomously Scored Items in Adaptive Educational System[Journal of SCI]. Interactive Learning Environments, 2021: 1-18.

[6] Zhang B, Chai C, Yin Z, et al. Design and Implementation of an EEG-Based Learning-Style Recognition Mechanism[Journal of SCI]. Brain Sciences, 2021, 11(5): 613.

[7] 张冰雪,柴成亮,史洋,etc. 融合多尺度脑电特征的学习风格识别,小型微型计算机系统,2021-05.

[8] Zhang B, Li Y, Shi Y, et al. Recognition and Application of Learner’s Cognitive Ability for Adaptive E-learning[C]. 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE, 2020: 62-64.

[9] Zhang B, Yin C, David B, et al. Facilitating Professionals' Work-Based Learning with Context-Aware Mobile System[Journal of SCI]. Science of Computer Programming, 2016, 129: 3-19.

[10] Zhang B, Yin C, David B, et al. A Context-Aware Mobile System for Work-Based Learning[Journal of SCI]. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2016, 24(2): 263-276.

[11] Yin C, Zhang B, David B, et al. A Hierarchical Ontology Context Model for Work-based Learning[Journal of SCI]. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2015, 9(3): 466-473.

[12] Yin C, Zhu S, Chen H,Zhang B, et al. A Method for Community Detection of Complex Networks based on Hierarchical Clustering[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, 11(6): 849140.

[13] Yin C, Zhang B, David B, et al. Design and Case Study of WoBaLearn-A Work-Based Learning System[C]. 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. IEEE, 2014: 77-79.

[14] Zhang B, Yin C, David B, et al. A Framework of Context-Aware Mobile Learning System for Professionals[C]. 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. IEEE, 2013: 23-25.

[15] Zhang B, David B, Yin C, et al. Contextual Learning System for Professional Education in Smart City[C].“Horizon 2020: Smart Cities Learning” workshop, Alpine Rendez-Vous 2013. 2013: 1-4.

[16] Yin C, Zhang B, Rong W, et al. Mobile Learning for Professional Situations in Smart City[C]. IET International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City 2013 (ICSSC 2013). IET, 2013: 401-406.

[17]Giovannella C, Gobbi A, Zhang B, et al. Villard-de-Lans: A Case Study for Participatory People-Centered Smart City Learning Design[C]. 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. IEEE, 2013: 461-462.

[18]David B, Xu T, Jin H, Zhou Y, Chalon R, Zhang B, et al. User-Oriented System for Smart City Approaches[J]. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2013, 46(15): 333-340.

[19]Zhang B, David B, Yin C, et al. Contextual Mobile Learning for Professionals Involving in “Smart City”[C]. SCiLearn workshop in 11th International Conference on Web-Based Learning, Sinaia, Romania, Sep. 2-4, 2012.

[20]David B, Yin C, Zhou Y, Xu T, Zhang B, et al. SMART-CITY: Problematics, Techniques and Case Studies[C]. 2012 8th International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management (NCM and ICNIT). IEEE, 2012, 1: 168-174


2023.02—至今,SCI期刊Machine Learning Journal  学术编辑

2021.06—至今,国家自然科学基金 评审人


2015.06—至今,中法创业者协会 常务副会长



[2] AIGC


[4] 人机交互



